独自居住Living Alone

关于住在宿舍关于慎独关于独自旅行 Some students prefer to live alone, while others want to live with their roommates. The way I like is living alone. First, living alone is quite. I can study and read books in a quite environment. I can sleep well because...
关于住在宿舍关于慎独关于独自旅行 Some students prefer to live alone, while others want to live with their roommates. The way I like is living alone. First, living alone is quite. I can study and read books in a quite environment. I can sleep well because nobody is snoring at night. Second, I feel free when I am alone. I don’t need to worry about disturbing my roommates when I want to play or study late at night. Also, I don’t need to do the cleaning all the time. It’s easier to keep the room tidy if I live alone. From all the reason above, I choose the live alone.


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