在路上度过黄金周 To Spend the “Golden Week” On The Road

关于Golden Week关于假期计划关于春节关于自驾游关于长假关于黄金周 The 7-days-long holiday is entitled “Golden Week” by the Chinese government to celebrate the most important festival in China: The Spring Festival. The past decade has witnessed private car...
关于Golden Week关于假期计划关于春节关于自驾游关于长假关于黄金周

The 7-days-long holiday is entitled “Golden Week” by the Chinese government to celebrate the most important festival in China: The Spring Festival. The past decade has witnessed private cars from luxuries to common equipment, as well as the Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival from traditional ways to modern ones. Nowadays, more and more people choose to celebrate the Spring Festival Golden Week to travel by driving their own cars with families.

在中国,为庆祝中国最重要的节日-春节,政府划定了七天的长假,称作“黄金周”。过去的十年里,私家车从人们心中的奢侈品变成常规配置,中国人民庆祝春节的方式也从传统的方式变成了现代方式。现在,越来越多的人们选择在春节长假这个黄金周里跟家人一起出去自驾游。From my personal angle alone, driving your own car is a worthwhile way to try when you decide to travel. Why?我认为,在你决定出去旅游,驾驶自家的车出游是一个很值得一试的方式。为什么?The initial reason lies in that driving your own car is liberal. Compared with joining a travel agency, driving makes your touring time more flexible. Imaging, when you are driving along the national roads, the setting sun paints the trees, remote mountains with a golden glory, you could stop the car whenever you want and enjoy the scene. However, if you are a member of a travel group, your schedule is beyond your decision.选择自驾游的首要原因就是自由。与参加旅游团相比,自驾游可以让你自由的安排自己的旅游时间。想象一下,当你驾车正行驶在道路上,正在升起的太阳将远处的群山染成了金色,无论何时只要你想,你都可以停下车欣赏此刻的美景。但是你要是旅游团的一员,你就无法做那样的决定。Another reason I suggest self-driving tourism is that it enhances the family bonds, emotionally. On the road, only family members are in the car, they could exchange more private thoughts with each other, they could make jokes which only involving family members, they could hug and kiss without any hesitating. Obviously, the emotional connections would become closer because of words and contact during this tour.让我推崇自驾游的另一个原因是:自驾游能够从情感上加深家人间的联系。在旅途中,车里只有自己的家人们,他们互相交流自己的想法,互相开家人的玩笑,他们毫不犹豫地互相拥抱。在这趟旅行中他们的感情很明显地变得更加亲密。Therefore, let’ s take our families and try to spend the “Golden Week” on the road!总而言之,带上你的家人试试在路上度过你的假期黄金周。


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