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关于学习方法关于电脑的利弊 The development of Internet brings a lot of convenience to our life. People can use computer to improve their efficiency. For a student like me, I can use computer to find out all kinds of answers. At first, I liked to ask for m...
关于学习方法关于电脑的利弊 The development of Internet brings a lot of convenience to our life. People can use computer to improve their efficiency. For a student like me, I can use computer to find out all kinds of answers. At first, I liked to ask for my parents' help when I met difficulties on my homework. As I went to high school, my parents couldn't help me sometimes, so I searched the Internet. I found that people would provide me the answers and they even told me how to solve. It was so fast and saves my time to think about the answers. Later, I copied the answers directly without thinking a minute. In the long run, I found myself lag behind others and couldn't solve problems without searching the answers. I depended on Internet too much. I realized my problems. Since then, I only search the answers when I had done the homework.


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