旅游很无聊Traveling is Boring

关于名胜古迹关于旅游的好处关于黄金周 Traveling isusually boring. There are always too many people in the places of interest inChina and it is crowed everywhere, when it comes to the golden weeks, thissituation could be worse. Just imagine that you are wai...

Traveling isusually boring. There are always too many people in the places of interest inChina and it is crowed everywhere, when it comes to the golden weeks, thissituation could be worse. Just imagine that you are waiting in line, hungry andthirsty. All you want is a ticket that can get through the door to see thebeautiful view. You may complain: “why am I coming to the terrible place? Why Ido this to myself?” If you are unlucky, you may encounter a bad guide whoforces you to shop here and there. How horrible it is! What’s worse, you mayspend more money than usually does.


Why don’t youjust stay at home and enjoy the cozy life? You don’t need to go outside to seethe view, you can just turn on the TV or computer, the amazing view willrepresent in front of you. You not only save a large sum of money, but alsoyour precious time. And you can do other things too, such as watching a classicmovie, chatting with friends on the phone or surfing the Internet. This couldbe so much fun! Therefore, I prefer to stay at home instead of going outside.



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