生活中的美 The Beauty From Life

关于多样性关于正能量 Nowadays, without the laws to supervise the Internet, there are a lot of negative information we can read on the Internet. As a result, people feel like being surrounded by the bad world and ignore the beauty of life. The wonderful th...
关于多样性关于正能量 Nowadays, without the laws to supervise the Internet, there are a lot of negative information we can read on the Internet. As a result, people feel like being surrounded by the bad world and ignore the beauty of life. The wonderful things are happening every day and we can sense if we pay attention to them.

The world is beautiful because of diversity. Many young people are backpackers today. They travel around the world and witness the different beautiful scenery. They are also attracted by the cultures. China catches the world’s attention and more and more foreigners come here to enjoy the food and have a nice communication with local people. They see diversity of the world and enjoy its beauty.

For me, love from parents and friends makes my life wonderful. So no matter what kind of problems I meet, I won’t feel my life bad. On the contrary, I see the power I have and can create the wonderful life that I want. Every day, my world is full of happiness.

The beauty from life can be seen everywhere, we need to slow down and find it.


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