
1、在中间的英文是In the middle例句1这件东西的玻璃罩子在中间用活动接头巧妙地连接了起来The glass cover for this is cleverly jointed in the middle2隧道两端在中间相接时,仅有几英寸的误差When the two;1在中间的英语In the middle,英 #618n #240#601 #712m#618dl 美...

1、在中间的英文是In the middle例句1这件东西的玻璃罩子在中间用活动接头巧妙地连接了起来The glass cover for this is cleverly jointed in the middle2隧道两端在中间相接时,仅有几英寸的误差When the two;1在中间的英语In the middle,英 #618n #240#601 #712m#618dl 美 #618n #240#601 #712m#618dl2在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间I was sandwiched between。

2、怎么会是a打头的呢就有两个,BetweenIn the middle ofamongst 可以prep 在之中,在之间 amongst;在后部 at the back of in the rear of 在前部 at the front of in the front of在中间 at the center of in the middle of 还有其他翻译,要看语境;between and 省略号里可填sth某物 , sb某人, sp 某地点还有 in the middle of and 同样省略号里可填sth sb sp;1在中间用英语是in the middle,读音英#618n #240#601 #712m#618dl,美#618n #240#601 #712m#618dl2例句The glass cover for this is cleverly jointed in the。

3、在中间用英语表示为In the In the middle,其中In the middle的意思是在中部,正忙于, 拦腰,当心;在中间1intermediately 2in between 3in the center of 1我被两个肥胖的女人紧紧地挤在中间,以致于要站起来下公共汽车都很难I was so tightly wedged between two fat women that it was difficult for me。

4、in the center of 英文发音 #618n #240#601 #712sent#601r #594v中文释义在中间,在中央 例句The city is built in the center of the island城市建立在岛中央词汇解析center 英。

5、在中间英语In the middle,middle,读音英 #712m#618dl美 #712m#618dladj 中间的,中部的中级的,中等的 n 中间,中央腰部 短语 Middle East 中东 西亚 波斯湾 middle school;in the middle of 是指,两者之间的那种状态 在当中 betweenand一般说来,among 用于三者或三者以上的“在中间”,f其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数或集合意义的名词或代词而between。

6、in the middle of ,between, among ,inside;between the two seats在两个位子中间in the middle of two cities 在两个城市中间,用法很多,要实际的物品才知道正确用法谨供参考。


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